Üdvözlünk az oldalon!
Regisztrálj most, és mi automatikusan 10% kedvezményt adunk az első megrendelésed árából!
* A kedvezmény más kedvezménnyel nem összevonható, és regisztrációtól számított 30 napon belül, 1 alkalommal érvényesíthető.
My goal is
to help you make a change in your lifestyle
and to maintain it in the long run.
My name is Zsófia Futár, founder of Nutrifit Kitchen. Working as a functional and holistic nutrition coach and personal trainer,
I run into the problem every day that the biggest challenge my clients have in changing their lifestyle is lack of time.
In such case, a health-conscious solution always comes in handy.
Nutrifit Kitchen is an online food-ordering system that offers health-conscious meals nationwide for those who live their everyday life with food intolerance or digestive problems, but also for those who want to attain a more mindful eating for preventive reasons.
If you don't have time to cook for hours and you need a healthy and quality solution for lunch or dinner, check out our weekly menu.
There are foods that you can never be tired of eating. Fortunately, you can order them for any day of the week.
Whether it's prevention or firefighting, our functional foods will help you feel comfortable in your everyday life.
You don't have to order
for every day of the week,
you can order for one day only.
Choose your favourite food and order today!
Create an account and/or sign in to the page!
Choose from our weekly or regular menu!
Select shipping address and payment method and place an order!
We process your order. We do the shopping, cooking and packaging...
… and your meal in on the way!
Find us on Facebook and Instagram for up-to-date
and useful information on healthy diet, the raw materials used and our kitchen.