Üdvözlünk az oldalon!
Regisztrálj most, és mi automatikusan 10% kedvezményt adunk az elsÅ‘ megrendelésed árából!
* A kedvezmény más kedvezménnyel nem összevonható, és regisztrációtól számított 30 napon belül, 1 alkalommal érvényesíthetÅ‘.
You need to register for an account in order to place an order on Nutrifit Kitchen. If you want to place an order, click “Place Your Order” on the page “Ordering”. The site will then navigate you to your Shopping cart where you will see your complete order in detail.
You can enter your shipping address, billing address and payment method in your Shopping cart.
You can pay for your order by credit card, SZÉP card or in cash to the courier.
You will have to fill in the part "Request for authorization" in "Service provider authorisation and advance payment” under “Authorisation/payment methods with MKB SZÉP card”.
All prices include VAT and delivery charges. No additional delivery charges are added.
There is no minimum order amount, so you can pick the cheapest meal and we will deliver it to you.
Our courier partner delivers the orders between 7 am and 2 pm on every weekday. Your orders for Saturday and Sunday will be delivered on Friday. If you have a special request regarding the delivery time, please let us know in the “Comment” field when placing your order. The courier will take into account the request and will try to fulfil it as far as possible.
Cancelling or changing order:
The deadlines for cancelling and changing your order are the same as the deadlines specified in the order conditions.
Order conditions:
If you want to change or cancel your order, please contact us.
Administration: 7 am - 2 pm on weekdays
Phone number: +36 1 210 96 20
E-mail: info@nutrifit.hu
Find us on Facebook and Instagram for up-to-date
and useful information on healthy diet, the raw materials used and our kitchen.